
Cycling is a wonderful way to visit the Loire Valley at just the right pace. It’s part of the EuroVelo bike route from the Atlantic to the Black Sea.

Rental bikes (including electric bikes) can be booked and paid for on-line at https://www.lesvelosverts.com/en/home and picked up near the train station in Blois.

Our favourite cycle route is to Chambord, via Saint Dyé. You cross the river, then take the new cycle path right along the river to Saint Dyé, then turn right and go to Chambord.  We’ll leave a cycle map amongst the tourist information.

For a shorter ride, you can stay on our side of the river and go to Cour-sur-Loire with its wash house.

I have blogged extensively on our cycling. You just have to  type Loire à Velo in the search box on www.aussieinfrance.com to find the different posts. Specific posts are indicated below.

The website www.cycling-loire.com gives all the cycling routes in the Loire and lots of other useful information. Click ici to see where we are located in relation to Amboise, Chambord, Chaumont and Cheverny castles.

A brochure with 13 itineraries for the Blois-Chambord area can be found in the apartment.

An American blogger also has lots of useful information on cycling in France: http://experiencefrancebybike.com/

I’ve written several posts on my blog indicating places to cycle to.

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